blondie: "present truth" is a great one. Wherever they got it from, they sure have run with it.......
Trevor Scott
JoinedPosts by Trevor Scott
Words JW's use NOT found in the Bible
by homeschool inso the word "trinity" is not used in the of the many jw reasons to not believe in the trinity.
what are some words that jehovah's witnesses use that are also not in the bible?.
Words JW's use NOT found in the Bible
by homeschool inso the word "trinity" is not used in the of the many jw reasons to not believe in the trinity.
what are some words that jehovah's witnesses use that are also not in the bible?.
Trevor Scott
bttt for angeleyes
Words JW's use NOT found in the Bible
by homeschool inso the word "trinity" is not used in the of the many jw reasons to not believe in the trinity.
what are some words that jehovah's witnesses use that are also not in the bible?.
Trevor Scott
: basically ive read some threads that clearly without any doubt are either false or completely twisted.
I suspect you've been reading some of your old posts.
"angel eyes" or "renia" or whatever you want to be called today, please answer my question. Given the Biblical command to abstain from "blood" and since "blood fractions" does not appear in the Bible, can you explain the scripturalness of accepting transfusions of "blood fractions" in light of the fact that the Reasoning book says blood fractions may not be eaten?
Words JW's use NOT found in the Bible
by homeschool inso the word "trinity" is not used in the of the many jw reasons to not believe in the trinity.
what are some words that jehovah's witnesses use that are also not in the bible?.
Trevor Scott
"Blood fractions"
That being the case, maybe Renia (oops, I mean Angel Eyes) can justify the scripturalness of accepting transfusions of blood fractions (keep in mind the reasoning book says blood fractions may NOT be eaten.)
October 2009 Kingdom Ministry
by MissingLink indownload here:
scans provided by ingersoll.
this is for canada..
Trevor Scott
MissingLink: Thanks for posting.
OUTLAW is My Hero
by daniel-p intalk about a man who always gives it to you straight, and with a sense of humor, too.
never too gruff, but just gruff enough to ruffle some feathers and have a laugh with others as long as they don't take themselves too seriously.
the source of sage advice that's just too simple to be complete bullshit, he is actually more balanced than most.. he's the kind of guy you miss not knowing in real life.. .
Trevor Scott
Outlaw is one of those few posters whose posts I ALWAYS read... and not just because he's from BC!!
All the best to you Outlaw,
Lurkers and Jehovah's Witnesses- The WT Lied to you about " Generation "
by flipper ini know this has been re-hashed many times here.
in great detail with quotes from former watchtower articles, etc.
i'm going to cut to the chase and just make this brief and direct.
Trevor Scott
Over the years I've learned many things that collectively cause me to reject the Watchtower Society as being "God's channel" tm or in any way associated with true religion.
There are also several things I've encountered that apart from anything else compell me to dismiss the Watchtower Society. In other words, if one of these things was the only 'negative' thing I ever learned about the Watchtower Society, I would still be forced to categorize the WTS as a false religious organization. The "1914 generation" doctrine is one of those issues.
I simply find it impossible to accept that God would have as "His Organization" tm a group of men who tell lies (or untruths, if you prefer) in HIS name - regardless of anything else that organization may or may not have done.
I believe that if God had ever used such an organization, He would have abandoned them the moment they started telling lies IN HIS NAME:
>> Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away. –Awake!, January 1, 1995, page 2.
>> Jehovah's prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: "This generation [of 1914] will by no means pass away until all things occur." (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired and unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment... –The Watchtower, May 15, 1984, page 6-7.
To each their own, and I'm only offering my opinion. But for me, this makes the Watchtower Religion unequivocally a false prophet organization and therefore immediately out of the running as potentially being the "true religion".
So long and thanks for all the fish.
by reniaa inhere is a goodbye thread for people who have decided to move on and leave jwn.
posting a message for everyone or just some..
Trevor Scott
I tend to think she'll be back too. For whatever reason Reniaa needs this outlet. She'll be back, very likely under one of her other guises.
I personally don't believe anything she says when it comes to her personal reasons for doing this or that. I never bought her story about being an ex-jw considering going back to the Witnesses and I don't believe it now. Any sincere truth seeker with half a brain would see the real truth about the WT religion after spending a few hours at a site like this. She either doesn't want to see it or is intellectually incapable of seeing it. Either way, she's a perfect fit for the WT cult imho.
How do they do it?
by Trevor Scott ini've been out of "the truth"tm for a few years now.
my exit was the direct result of so-called "apostate" information on the internet.
i literally stumbled upon an "apostate" website while googling something and thank god resisted my initial (programmed) response to run for my life.. i spent the next 6 months researching using every website, book, and individual i could get my hands on before finally sending in my da letter; but the fact is, that first website contained the real truth about the watchtower religion and in all honesty, i recognized it almost immediately.. so what i wonder is, how do those "jws" that frequent sites like this do it?
Trevor Scott
Hi bluecanary,
My first exposure to "apostate" material was on an information site as opposed to a forum like JWN...
I hadn't considered the difference between the two. But do you suppose that persons such as reniaa haven't checked out those sites too? It seems like these people are looking for debates...
mrsjones, great point. I guess our resident trolls have opted for "justifying or rationalizing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors" as opposed to changing them.
Still, it amazes me that one can see outright lies and manage to justify them. How someone can accept a religion as "the truth" tm when presented with evidence of blatant lies by that religious group is beyond me.....
How do they do it?
by Trevor Scott ini've been out of "the truth"tm for a few years now.
my exit was the direct result of so-called "apostate" information on the internet.
i literally stumbled upon an "apostate" website while googling something and thank god resisted my initial (programmed) response to run for my life.. i spent the next 6 months researching using every website, book, and individual i could get my hands on before finally sending in my da letter; but the fact is, that first website contained the real truth about the watchtower religion and in all honesty, i recognized it almost immediately.. so what i wonder is, how do those "jws" that frequent sites like this do it?
Trevor Scott
I've been out of "the truth" tm for a few years now. My exit was the direct result of so-called "apostate" information on the Internet. I literally stumbled upon an "apostate" website while Googling something and thank God resisted my initial (programmed) response to RUN FOR MY LIFE.
I spent the next 6 months researching using every website, book, and individual I could get my hands on before finally sending in my DA letter; but the fact is, that first website contained the real truth about the Watchtower religion and in all honesty, I recognized it almost immediately.
So what I wonder is, how do those "JWs" that frequent sites like this do it? How do they go about their lives, continuing to defend the Watchtower Society, whilst constantly encountering the REAL truth about this religion? How do they continue to go to meetings and distribute literature for what they MUST know is a false religious cult run by liars and hypocrites? (Granted, some do not go to meetings, etc; very likely the trolls we have here don't... but some that I have encountered elsewhere I believe do.)
I've seen countless of these JWs get owned in discussions with former JWs and yet they keep at it. Getting owned doesn't even seem to phase them. I really don't get it. What's with these people? Can someone explain it to me?
Oh... and on an unrelated note, my mouse is broken and MAN is it frustrating!